Do you get the odor from your Bullmastiff pup? You’re not the only one, believe me! This is a frequently asked question in many dog-related communities.
So, why does your Bullmastiff smell so bad? For Bullmastiff dogs, irregular washing habits are often the main reason for bad smells. Lack of healthy cleansing practices may cause bacteria growth nearby the anal gland area and make occasional infections. These can be another source for Bullmastiffs smelling bad. Except that, Bullmastiffs’ oily coats may hold dirt and unpleasant smells as well.
After some research, I listed some possible reasons behind this problem of Bullmastiffs. Keep reading to learn those. I also added some tips. Those may help you to keep your Bullmastiffs from smelling bad.
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Does Bullmastiff Dog Breed Smell Naturally?
Dogs have their distinct scents. However, possessing a foul odor is not normal. Bullmastiffs are not naturally odorful dogs. The skin of bullmastiffs is considered to be oily. Dirt is easily stuck against the skin as a result of this.
Seasonal or food disorders may also induce skin irritation, which causes unnecessary oil production from the skin glands, resulting in a musty odor. A bad diet may also contribute to this disorder and lead to other issues such as yeast infections, which generate a bad smell.
7 Common Causes: Why Does Your Bullmastiff Smell So Bad?
When your Bullmastiff is indoors, he may have a neutral odor, but when he goes outside, he may come very stinky. You’re troubled as a pet owner and you suspect the problem isn’t down to a lack of grooming.
It’s difficult to track the dog’s odors back to their normal sources, but there are a few common denominators that contribute to a sudden smell.
#1 Does Your Bullmastiff Need A Bath?
Irregular bathing and hygiene are two of the most common causes of nasty smell. For your Bullmastiff dog, especially those who are kept indoors, a weekly bath might be sufficient.
However, you should shower the Bullmastiff dogs weekly. If the Bullmastiff has skin problems, you can still use a conditioning shampoo.
Bathing is essential for this short and heavily coated breed to reduce shedding and preserve good skin and coat. And as their skin type is very oily, bathing regularly is very important for them. Because oily skin generally is a dart trap, so they easily become dirty and start to smell bad.
So you should try to keep them as neat and clean as possible.
#2 Does Your Bullmastiff Need To Groom?
The Bullmastiff, like every other dog breed, needs grooming. Ear washing, nail trimming, shaving, oral, and eye care are also examples of grooming. Grooming reinforces your relationship with your Bullmastiff and provides an excellent way to search for fleas and ticks.
Grooming can begin at a young age, particularly nail trimming, but you must know how to do it correctly such that your Bullmastiff may not develop a fear of nail trimming as an adult.
Otherwise, you will find yourself needing to visit your veterinarian any time your Bullmastiff requires grooming.
#3 Does Your Bullmastiff Pup Pick Stinks From Other Dogs?
Your Bullmastiff can also pick up the unpleasant smell of other dogs or livestock that are also stinky. Your Bullmastiff, like every other breed, enjoys playing and roaming and enjoys playing with other dogs.
However, if other dogs are smelly and sweaty and your Bullmastiff puppy gets along with them, your Bullmastiff puppy is likely to pick up the foul smell from them. It can be removed with simple washing and cleaning.
#4 Does Your Bullmastiff Get Odor In Her Oily Skin?
Bullmastiffs are also regarded for their naturally oily skin, which makes dirt-trapping against the skin very quickly. Your Bullmastiff dog’s oily skin combined with dust may create a bad smell.
symptoms Of Her Oily Skin:
- Hair loss is a common sign that your Bullmastiff is suffering from a skin problem. Seasonal fading is normal, but rapid hair loss can signal a health issue.
- Another sign of a skin condition is rashes on the Bullmastiff’s skin. Rashes in dogs are uncommon unless they are caused by a medical condition.
- A sign is scaly skin that is accompanied by an odor. If your Bullmastiff’s skin has noticeable bumps and cuts, you can take him to the vet as soon as possible.
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#5 Is Your Bullmastiff Suffering From Smelly Ears?
Ear infection may cause odor in your Bullmastiff. It’s possible that the Bullmastiff’s recurrent ear infections and foul odor were caused by allergies. And he or she is suffering from smelly ears.
symptoms Of Smelly Ears:
- Scratching at the ears can cause ear infections. When the Bullmastiff dog scratches its head, it can spread debris into the ear canal, which may lead to infection.
- Ear infections can also be caused by rubbing the ears on the ground or furniture. It may feel uncomfortable and start to rub its’ head. It will collect all of the dirt on the ground and penetrate the ear canal, resulting in an ear infection.
- An ear infection will also cause you to shake your head. Your Bullmastiff could be scratching its head in dissatisfaction.
- Ear infections in your Bullmastiff dog can lead to irritation, itching, crusting, hair loss, an irritating odor, and a black or yellow discharge. These are big symptoms of ear infection.
#6 Is Your Bullmastiff Suffering From Skin Infections?
Bullmastiffs are often allergic to touch or inhalant bacteria. They suffer from a common skin allergy known as “atopy.” The feet, belly, skin folds, and ears are the most often afflicted areas.
symptoms Of Skin Infections:
- A symptom of the Bullmastiff dog skin infection is pimple-like pustules on the skin or dry spots of flaking skin.
- In addition to being itchy and crusty skin, itchy and scaly skin conditions are a common skin disorder seen in bullmastiffs.
- Loss of the fur on the Bullmastiff may be due to an infection of hair follicles, which is known as Alopecia.
- Most cases of skin issues in your Bullmastiffs are caused by weeping or raised skin due to the infection of microbial or canine blood in the skin.
#7 Does Your Bullmastiff Gets A Leaky Anal Gland?
Like other pets, Bullmastiffs have anal glands that secrete a natural secrete a yellow fluid. You can find your Bullmastiff puppy rubbing his or her anal gland on the floor or on your carpet, which may lead to an anal gland infection in your Bullmastiff.
symptoms of Leaky Anal Gland:
- Scooting on the floor and frequent licking or chewing of the infected area are signs of an anal gland infection of your Bullmastiff.
- The presence of brown or red spots on your floor, as well as pain during bowel movements, are also signs of such a problem.
- The biggest sign of your Bullmastiff anal gland infection is a bad odor from your dog (in the rear end) that gets worse with each stage.
- Anal swelling and redness are also indicators.
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11 Easy Ways To Keep Your Bullmastiff Smelling Wonderful!
The smell of a stinky dog does not appeal to the majority of people. But it is not critical to keep your Bullmastiff dog smelling good. You can do so by following a few simple steps.
#1 Create A Routine Bath Schedule
Unusual washing and grooming are often the source of foul odors emanating from the Bullmastiff. A bath is a perfect way to start when it comes to your Bullmastiff’s odor problem.
So that you don’t forget, create a good schedule for bathing your Bullmastiff puppy.
Invest in a shampoo that is designed to eliminate odors rather than merely masking them with chemical scents. If your dog has a skin issue, such as yeast overgrowth, consult your veterinarian for a medicated shampoo to use.
#2 Avoid Foods Those Fuel Yeasts
If your Bullmastiff dog isn’t consuming a balanced, natural diet, odor may be the result of the bad food he or she consumes. Check the ingredients on the dog food bag and see what you’re feeding your Bullmastiff.
You should avoid foods that sustain yeast. Since yeast products are not naturally digestible by the Bullmastiff dogs, they are unable to consume and digest them properly.
As a result, it causes a digestive complaint and a foul odor. Yeast is a fungus that living on the skin and inside the gut of your dog without causing any harm but you always should be careful that your Bullmastiff is safe from everything.
#3 Use Coconut Oil On Your Bullmastiff’s Skin
Coconut oil will help your Bullmastiff dog’s skin stay hydrated and avoid flaking. When applied lightly, it can also serve to freshen up a Bullmastiff’s hair.
Simply brush a little amount onto your palms, softly pat the coat, run your fingertips through the fur, and smooth a little down onto the skin to use it topically.
Coconut oil is a natural practice with well-known advantages for treating skin disorders. When applied topically, however, many dog owners and veterinarians believe that coconut oil can help cure dry skin and eczema in dogs.
#4 Get A Washable Dog Bed For Your Bullmastiff
A comfortable dog bed that takes into account your Bullmastiff dog’s size, weight, and health concerns will provide him with the relaxing environment he requires for a good night’s sleep.
This is especially important if the night becomes colder or the day becomes warmer, as your Bullmastiff pet will require a bed that adjusts and adapts to these temperatures without making him uncomfortable.
A good bed will also aid your Mastiff’s overall posture and address any health issues he may have, such as joint or hip pain, which is common in Mastiffs. And the bed should be washable because your Bullmastiff is going to make it dirty and you don’t want to buy a new one every time.
#5 Bathe Your Bullmastiff Dog’s Bed In Baking Soda
To destroy bacteria and eliminate unpleasant odors, you should expose your Mastiff’s bedding to intense sunlight at least once a week. Sprinkle baking soda all over the bed and let it last for a couple of hours before vacuuming it up. To shield the bedding from spills, use a removable waterproof cover.
Baking soda has many grooming benefits for your puppy’s bed. Baking soda will make your dog’s bed look cleaner until it can get a proper wet bath if you don’t have time for one. Baking soda will even give your dog’s bed a lustrous sheen. Also, baking soda is good to kill bacteria and fungus.
So you Mastiff’s surroundings will be safer for him.
#6 Clean Your Bullmastiff’s Lounging Areas
The Bullmastiff prefers to lounge around the house rather than run. Your Bullmastiff is not an exception. As a result, it’s important to keep your lounging area tidy so your Bullmastiff puppy doesn’t pick up dirt.
You should clean your lounging area in the same way you clean your apartment. You are not required to do any additional tasks.
Simply wash and vacuum your items daily. If you don’t have much time, use a vacuum cleaner. It will keep the Bullmastiff safe and free of bacteria. As a result, the Puppy will be healthy and content.
#7 Dry Your Bullmastiff All The Way
After a shower, dry the Bullmastiff dog as quickly as possible. Clean your dog as much as you can with a towel. Blow-dry your Bullmastiff’s fur on low if your Bullmastiff allows it.
Daily bathing and keeping your Bullmastiff as dry as practicable during baths are the easiest ways to control your Bullmastiff’s wet-dog odor.
Bathing the dog too much will extract too much skin oil, which may lead to health issues. Consult your veterinarian for recommendations based on the environment, the length of your dog’s fur, and other factors.
It’s better that you can keep the Bullmastiff dog from rolling until he’s fully dry since wet hair absorbs scents quickly.
#8 Brush Your Bullmastiff’s Teeth
Brush the Bullmastiff’s teeth regularly. This will help us get rid of any of the mud and waste that can cause an unwanted dog odor. Poor breath is caused by a dirty mouth. Clean the Bullmastiff dog’s teeth frequently, preferably monthly, for both hygiene and odor reasons.
Find a dog toothbrush that suits your Bullmastiff’s mouth size. These can be purchased at any pet shop, pet catalogs, or veterinarian. Look for a dog toothpaste that is safe to use. Human toothpaste can never be used. Dog toothpaste is often flavored with delectable meat or poultry flavors.
#9 Use Dental Products To Avoid Bad Breath
Use a plaque enzyme toothpaste that has been approved by a veterinarian for your Bullmastiff dog. You should use a dental product to ensure that your Bullmastiff does not have bad breath. The paste is applied to the outside of the teeth and the gums are massaged with a pet toothbrush.
If your pet holds still during training, this process should only take 30 seconds or less.
Brushing your Bullmastiff dog’s teeth reduces plaque and promotes better oral hygiene, just as it does in humans, and with a little training, your Bullmastiff dog will learn to enjoy it.
#10 Use Doggy Wipes When Necessary
Dog washing wipes, on the other hand, can be used to quickly clean up after the Bullmastiff. Surface mud or dirt lying on top of the dog’s hair works best for dog wipes.
They’re also useful for washing tiny places like the dog’s muzzle or muddy hands. In a nutshell, dog wipes are excellent for washing small areas.
To avoid an ear infection with your Bullmastiff puppy, use doggy wipes to scrub the paws. Since it is unhealthy for your Bullmastiff dog to be soaked for an extended period, use doggy wipes to quickly dry them.
#11 Get Suitable Shampoos For Your Bullmastiff
Get the Bullmastiff a decent dog shampoo. A bath is a safe way to consider when a dog has played in something smelly, hasn’t been bathed in a while, or seems filthy. Rather than attempting to mask odors with chemical scents, get your Bullmastiff a shampoo that is designed to eliminate them.
Dog shampoos are “formulated to disinfect and condition the dog’s more alkaline skin and fur,” according to the American Kennel Club. The AKC, on the other hand, recommends using baby shampoo or coconut-oil shampoo on occasion.
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Over To You
It’s unusual for the Bullmastiff to have a foul odor in an excessive way. If he has an unpleasant smell, you must take appropriate measures to avoid it.
I’ve attempted to cover anything that could be of assistance to you in this matter. Tell me which fact benefited you the most, which one you already knew, and which one you didn’t know.
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Further Readings:
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1. 27 Ways To Protect Your Dog From Summer Heat And Heat Stroke
2. How To Deworm Dogs And Puppies
3. How Dog’s Fur Tells A Lot About Your Puppy’s Health?